Our Communion Practices

We ordinarily offer the Lord’s Supper only to those who are communicant members of a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, or of synods which share our common confession of faith.

We believe that Holy Communion is a confession of unity in the faith (Acts 2:42). We also believe that those who are unprepared or uninformed may receive spiritual harm. (1 Cor. 11:23-32).

We do not question any Christian’s faith in Christ, but to invite all to Communion, including those who disagree with our belief, would imply a unity which does not yet exist — but a unity which all Christians pray will someday happen. Even as we respect the practices of other Christian denominations, so we ask others please to respect our practice.

All are encouraged to come forward for a blessing, even those who do not commune, including all children.

Anyone who would like to discuss this practice in more depth is encouraged to make an appointment with our pastor.