As believers in Jesus Christ, we respond to God’s vision that all people be saved through love and service by reaching, teaching, and baptizing.
Our Family Ministries
Christmas Caroling: One of our favorite wintertime activities is Christmas caroling at area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Our songs are always well received by the residents and the singers always remark that sharing the songs of Jesus’ birth with others helps us enjoy that miracle more ourselves.
Everyone is welcome — even those who think they are bad singers! Anyone can sing Frosty the Snowman or Silent Night. Country Heritage Days: Each July for Country Heritage Days a number of our families bring campers or tents and camp out behind the church for two nights. We enjoy sharing a pot luck meal, playing cards and other activities, and relaxing around the campfire.
The weekend culminates in the annual outdoor worship service. Game Nights: Members of all ages enjoy these relaxed evenings of fellowship and fun. We bring board games and decks of cards and spend the evening laughing and playing. It’s a great opportunity to get to know other members, and it’s also easy to invite friends. Often, we begin with a pot luck supper. Mystery Dinner: The funniest meal you will ever eat!!
Relax and allow the Good Shepherd Youth to serve you a multi-course meal. But there’s a catch! You are free to order one food and one utensil for each course, but the menu is a mystery. The items are not listed under their proper names, but rather with seemingly random titles. So when you order a “cannonball” and a “Hula Skirt” you may receive a spoon and a bowl of soup — or maybe a toothpick and ice cream!
It’s great fun to invent ways to eat when you receive a tricky combination — but it’s even more fun to watch everyone else! Turkey Dinner: The Turkey Dinner has a longer history than the congregation. It was started in the formative days of the congregation to help fund the founding of Good Shepherd. Ever since, hundreds of people have made the annual trip to enjoy a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. 10% of the proceeds go to a Mercy Care chosen by the Voters’ Assembly.