As believers in Jesus Christ, we respond to God’s vision that all people be saved through love and service by reaching, teaching, and baptizing.
Our Adult Ministries
Altar Guild: A group of women serve in caring for the chancel area of our sanctuary. They regularly clean, care for all linens, clean and polish the silver, plus other duties as needed to keep our altar and surrounding area beautiful and clean. Bible Study: Class is conducted by the pastor every Sunday morning. Bible classes add the dimension of being able to ask questions and share experiences with other Christians. Board of Education: The Board of Education supervises the educational agencies of the congregation. Board of Evangelism: The Board of Evangelism encourages members to witness to others and to support missions at home and abroad. Choir: This is a group of dedicated men and women who enjoy music and seek to serve God by enhancing our worship services with anthems and by leading the congregation in song. To join, come to rehearsal, be able to carry a tune, and be able to sing on the scheduled Sundays. Church Council: The Council consists of the congregational officers and the chairmen of each board. They meet monthly to coordinate the working of all the boards and to guide the business of the congregation in the time between Voters’ meetings. Elders: The Elders assist the pastor in guiding the worship and spiritual life of the congregation. Quilting: This group of women meets twice a month to put together and tie quilts that will be donated to Lutheran World Relief. Trustees: The Trustees oversee and maintain the church properties. Women’s Ministry: All women of Good Shepherd are considered to belong to this group and are offered the opportunities to serve their Lord in a wide variety of ways within a web of sub-committees.